Maintenance & Care

Swimming pool cleaning and sanitisation

Owning a swimming pool is a dream come true for many, but it also comes with the responsibility of regular cleaning and maintenance to keep the water sparkling and safe for swimming. With so many tasks to perform and equipment to manage, pool maintenance might seem overwhelming. But worry not, we will walk you through everything you need to know about pool cleaning.
Swimming pool cleaning and sanitisation

Short Summary

  • Regular pool cleaning is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.
  • DIY pool cleaning tasks should be performed daily, weekly, and monthly for optimal maintenance.
  • Investing in energy-efficient equipment can reduce energy consumption while providing a clean and comfortable pool experience.

The importance of regular pool cleaning

Regular pool cleaning is is a chore, but doing it will ensure your pool is always ready for swimming ,and in the long run, will save you money because fixing pool issues is far more expensive than avoiding them. A well-maintained pool not only looks inviting, but also helps prevent algae growth, maintains chemical balance, and extends the life of pool equipment.

When you consider factors like water top-ups, leaves, grass, dust, and people, it's easy to see why regular cleaning and maintenance is necessary to prevent potential health risks posed by bacteria in a dirty pool. Furthermore, keeping pool equipment in good working condition ensures a comfortable swimming experience and reduces the need for costly repairs or replacements.

Preventing algae growth

Algae growth in pools can be attributed to various factors, such as imbalanced water, inadequate sanitation, poor circulation, and ineffective filtration. Algae can make your pool slippery, unsightly, and unsafe for swimming.

To prevent algae growth, it's crucial to maintain consistent chlorine levels by regularly testing and adjusting them as necessary. Ensuring optimal water balance by periodically testing and adjusting the the pH level, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels can also help keep algae at bay. If any of this is unfamiliar to you, read about pool chemistry here.

Moreover, using a chlorine-free algaecide containing copper or silver ions is recommended for effective prevention. And don't forget to skim the surface of the pool daily to keep it free of contaminants.

Maintaining chemical balance

Maintaining the chemical balance of your pool water is vital for preventing algae growth, preserving equipment life, and ensuring a safe swimming environment. A professional pool cleaner can help you assess the water quality and adjust the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels as needed using chlorine or salt.

A basic 'four-in-one' pool water testing kit can be used to measure chlorine levels, total alkalinity, pH, and the amount of acid required to rebalance the pH. Alternative methods to maintain pool water cleanliness and balance, besides chlorine, include ozone gas, UV sterilization, bromine, and ionization.

Extending equipment life

Maximising the longevity of your pool equipment requires regular maintenance and cleaning. Selecting the appropriate size pump, removing debris, and using high-quality equipment are all recommended. When choosing a pool pump, evaluate factors such as pool size, filter type, cleaner type, debris accumulation, and water circulation requirements.

To effectively clear debris from your pool, use a pool skimmer, vacuum, and brush to clean the surface, bottom, and walls of the pool, respectively. Regular inspection and assessment of pool equipment, including visible cracks, tears, leaks, or other damage, ladders, handrails, pumps, and engines, can help prevent costly repairs and replacements.

Essential pool cleaning equipment

To effectively clean and maintain your pool, you'll need a few items of essential pool cleaning equipment, such as skimmers, brushes, vacuums, and filters. Each of these tools plays a vital role in keeping your pool clean and safe for swimming.

Skimmers collect floating debris before it sinks, brushes help scrub off dirt and algae from pool surfaces, vacuums clean the pool floors, and filters maintain water clarity by trapping contaminants. With the right equipment at hand, you can tackle pool cleaning and maintenance tasks more efficiently.

Pool skimmers

Pool skimmers are an integral part of your pool's filtration system, capturing floating debris before it settles at the bottom of the pool. Installing a pool skimmer involves measuring its size, cutting a hole in the pool wall, attaching the skimmer to the wall, and connecting it to the filtration system.

Regular maintenance of the skimmer includes inspecting and cleaning the skimmer basket and checking for any signs of damage or wear. Troubleshooting your pool skimmer involves assessing the skimmer basket for debris, examining the skimmer for damage or wear, and verifying its connection to the filtration system.


Different types of brushes are used for pool cleaning, including nylon and stainless steel brushes. Nylon brushes are gentle and ideal for cleaning delicate surfaces like vinyl, while stainless steel brushes are suitable for tougher surfaces like tiled concrete or gunite pools.

Using the right type of brush ensures that you effectively clean your pool surfaces without causing damage.


Pool vacuums come in various types, including suction-side, robotic, and pressure-side vacuums. Suction-side vacuums are designed for in-ground pools and connect to the skimmer via a hose.

Robotic vacuums are the most advanced, equipped with sophisticated components that automate pool cleaning. Pressure-side vacuums function similarly to suction-side vacuums, using the pool's filtration pump to generate power.

Choosing the right vacuum for your pool ensures efficient and thorough cleaning.

Pool filters

Pool filters play a crucial role in maintaining water clarity and cleanliness. There are three types of pool filters available: cartridge filters, sand filters, and diatomaceous earth (D.E.) filters. Each type has its unique advantages and maintenance requirements. Learn more about pool pumps and filters in detail here.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the whole filter system are essential for optimal performance. The pool technician is responsible for emptying and backwashing the filter, performing a deep chemical clean, and inspecting the filter cartridge.

DIY pool cleaning: A step-by-step guide

Taking on pool cleaning tasks yourself can be rewarding and cost-effective. In this step-by-step guide, we'll cover daily, weekly, and monthly tasks that you can easily perform to keep your pool clean and well-maintained.

With a little effort and the right tools, you can enjoy a crystal-clear swimming pool without the hassle of relying on professional services.

Daily tasks

Daily tasks for DIY pool cleaning include the following.

Skimming the pool surface

Skimming the surface of the water with a net to remove leaves and floating debris using the net and telescopic pole so you can read the leaves, bugs and other pieces of debris that float on the surface of your pool water.

Empty the pool's skimmer baskets

Removing the debris, leaves and bugs from your skimmer basket daily will not only keep your pool cleaner, but will also ensure your pump is working efficiently and you're getting maximum water circulation.

Ensure your pool pump is running the right amount of time per day

In most cases, pool pumps are set to run automatically using a timer for approximately 8 hours per day to ensure all the water in your pool circulates. The amount your pool pump needs to run is effected by the size of your pool, the weather conditions and also the amount of use it is getting, so be aware that these factors increase or decrease the time your pump needs to run.

Weekly tasks

These items can be done weekly or even slightly more often to be safe.

Brush the walls, ladders or steps and corners of your pool

Brushing the walls and tiles, and vacuuming the pool ensures that dirt, debris, and algae are removed, keeping your pool clean and safe for swimming.

Check your pool water level

Verifying and adjusting the water level is essential to prevent damage to the pool and its equipment, so be sure to check your pool's water level at least weekly and top it up if required.

Run your automatic pool cleaner

Vacuuming your pool, wether manually or using a robotic vacuum, will remove all the debris from the bottom of the pool and will prevent strain on your circulation system.

Empty your pump filter basket

Whilst most of the debris in your pool should have been captured by vacuuming and the skimmer basket, your pump also has a filter basket to catch debris. With your pump off, open up the lid and clean the basket out - while you're there look for clogs as they can be fatal to your pool pump.

Test and balance your water chemistry

Doing a water test and adjusting the water chemistry by administering chemicals as necessary are also crucial for maintaining a healthy pool environment. Learn more about pool chemistry in detail here.

Monthly tasks

On a monthly basis, monitor the water level to ensure your pool is neither overfilled nor under filled. Inspect the pool for any cracks or stains, which can indicate structural issues or damage. It's also a good idea to check your plumbing O-ring seals and fittings along with the pool jets to be sure all is in good working order. Assess the pool's water chemistry, including pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels, and add chemicals as needed to maintain a safe and balanced swimming environment.

Additionally, scrub the walls and floor of the pool to remove any buildup of dirt and debris. Regularly performing these tasks will keep your pool in top condition.

Green pool recovery: how to clean a preen pool

A green pool is a nightmare for any pool owner. It can be caused by inadequate chlorine levels, prolonged exposure to the sun, rain, or temperature fluctuations, or an imbalance of chemicals that enable algal growth or oxidation of metals.

Green pool recovery services are available to restore your pool to its original sparkling condition. These services follow a procedure that involves shocking the pool with chlorine, scrubbing the walls and floor, and vacuuming the pool. With the right help, you can transform your green pool back into a crystal-clear oasis.

Professional pool cleaning services: when to call in the experts

Although DIY pool cleaning can be effective, there are times when it's best to call in professional pool cleaning and maintenance services. Enlisting the help of professionals is advisable when you need assistance with regular pool cleaning and maintenance or if your pool equipment is not functioning as intended.

Professional pool cleaning services provide expert knowledge and specialised tools to service and ensure your pool remains in optimal condition. They can perform comprehensive assessments of all pool equipment components.

Trusting the experts can save you time and effort while guaranteeing a pristine pool.

Pool maintenance tips for pool owners

In addition to the step-by-step cleaning guide, we've compiled some helpful pool maintenance tips for pool owners. These tips include water testing, filter care, and troubleshooting common pool problems.

By following these tips and performing regular maintenance, you can ensure a clean, safe, and enjoyable swimming experience for you and your family.

Water testing

Water testing is an essential aspect of pool maintenance. To ensure optimal water quality, start the swim season with new reagents and test the chlorine and pH levels weekly. It's also essential to test for copper monthly to prevent any potential issues.

You can test pool water using pool test strips, liquid test kits, or by submitting a water sample to your local pool shop. When collecting a water sample, circulate the pool on the pump's highest setting for at least an hour and collect water from around elbow deep.

Regular water testing, along with maintaining the pool's alkalinity, will ensure a safe and enjoyable swimming environment.

Filter care

Proper filter care is vital for maintaining a clean and clear pool. Regularly clean and maintain the filter, check the pressure gauge, and replace the filter as needed. Monitor the pressure gauge weekly to ensure optimal filter performance. Backwash the filter at least once a week or when the pressure gauge reads 8-10 PSI over the starting level.

Additionally, clean the filter at least once a year and use a cleaning solution or degreaser as needed. Proper filter care will help maintain water clarity and prolong the life of your pool equipment.

Common pool problems

Common pool problems include cloudy water, algae growth, staining, foaming, eye and skin irritation, scaling, chlorine odour, and leaks. To prevent and treat these issues, regularly test and adjust the chemical balance of the pool, clean the pool filter, and use appropriate pool cleaning equipment.

Regular maintenance and vigilance can help you address and resolve pool problems before they escalate, ensuring a clean and safe swimming environment.

Energy-efficient pool equipment and upgrades

Investing in energy-efficient pool equipment and upgrades can save you money and energy in the long run. Options such as variable speed pumps, multi-speed pumps, LED pool lights, and pool covers can help reduce energy consumption and provide cost savings on electricity bills.

Solar heating systems, which pump pool water through rubber matting installed on the roof and heated by the sun, offer an eco-friendly pool heating solution. By upgrading to energy-efficient pool equipment, you can enjoy a clean and comfortable pool while minimising your environmental impact.

Pool pumps

Pool pumps are available in single-speed, dual-speed, and multiple-speed varieties. Single-speed pumps operate at a constant speed, while dual-speed and multiple-speed pumps allow you to adjust the flow rate of water through the system at different speeds.

When selecting a pool pump, consider factors such as pool size, filter type, pool cleaning system, energy efficiency, and the cost of installation and maintenance. Proper installation and maintenance of the pool pump, including regular inspection and cleaning, can help prolong the life of your pool equipment.

Pool heaters

Various types of pool heaters are available, including gas, electric, heat pumps, and solar heaters. Heat pumps draw water from the pool and pump it through a heat exchanger, providing an energy-efficient heating solution.

Gas heating can also be utilised to maintain a consistent temperature in a swimming pool. Choosing the right type of heater for your pool can help maintain optimal water temperature while conserving energy and reducing costs.

Pool lighting

Pool lighting enhances the safety, aesthetics, and entertainment value of your swimming pool. The three most common types of pool lighting are incandescent, halogen, and LED lights. LED lights are preferred for their energy efficiency and long life span.

Professional installation and maintenance of pool lighting, including regular inspection of wiring and bulbs, ensure optimal performance and safety. Upgrading to energy-efficient pool lighting can help you to save money on energy costs while enjoying a beautifully illuminated pool.


In conclusion, keeping your pool clean and well-maintained is essential for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. This comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable information on the importance of regular pool cleaning, essential pool cleaning equipment, DIY pool cleaning steps, and energy-efficient pool equipment upgrades. By following these tips and guidelines, you can ensure a pristine, sparkling pool that you and your family can enjoy for years to come. Dive in and embrace the joys of pool ownership with confidence and ease.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our friendly team.
How often should you clean your pool?
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For optimal pool health, it's important to clean your pool regularly. We suggest doing a full clean at least once a week, including brushing the walls and vacuuming the floor to remove dirt and debris. Skim the water's surface and brush the walls and pool floor to remove leaves and other items.

Additionally, if you see algae form, take immediate action to rectify the problem.

What is the best way to test pool water?
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The best way to test pool water is to use a reliable pool test kit. This will enable you to check the chlorine, pH, alkalinity and other important parameters in your pool, as well as compare it with the ideal range, ensuring your pool remains safe for swimming.

Doing regular tests is highly recommended for anyone wishing to keep their pool clean and healthy.

How do you fix a green pool fast?
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For a quick fix, brush the pool walls and floor to remove any visible algae, then test the alkalinity and pH levels. Shock your pool with chlorine to kill the remaining algae, and run your pool filter for at least 8 hours.

Finally, continue testing water and adjust the pool chemicals as needed.

How much chlorine do you put in a green pool?
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To ensure a green pool remains sanitary and safe to swim in, it is important to maintain chlorine levels between 2.0 and 4.0 parts per million (ppm). This way, you can protect your pool from bacteria and algae growth.

Chlorine levels should be tested regularly, and if they are too low, chlorine should be added to the pool. The amount of chlorine needed will depend on the size of the pool and the amount of use it gets. It is also important to check the pH.

Where can I get my pool water tested by a professional?
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Most people choose to get their pool water tested at their local pool shop. You can also get your water tested at Bunnings who offer a free service. In both instances, you should get fast, accurate results and information on the right chemicals in the right quantity to get your pool in the best condition.

Just be aware that the quality of the recommendations and advice you receive can vary a lot. We recommend that you invest some time in finding a highly skilled pool chemistry expert to ensure you're getting good advice. This is also likely to cut down on the amount of unnecessary chemicals you use.

What is proper pool chemistry?
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Maintaining the proper balance of pH, Total Alkalinity, Calcium Hardness and Chlorine levels is key to having a safe and healthy pool. The ideal range for these parameters is: pH 7.4-7.6, Total Alkalinity 80-140 ppm, Calcium Hardness 250-350 ppm, Cyanuric Acid (Stabiliser) 30-50 ppm, and Chlorine levels 1-3 ppm.

Having these levels in check will ensure your pool is properly sanitised and enjoyable for all.

Can chlorine fix a green pool?
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Yes, chlorine can fix a green pool. Adding large doses of calcium hypochlorite super shock and reducing the pH level with muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate can help to clear up all the algae, that causes green water.

How often do you add chlorine to pool?
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In order to keep your pool water safe and clean, it's important to add chlorine on a regular basis. For most pools, a tablet should be added every 3-7 days, depending on the results of water tests.

This will ensure that your swimming area is properly sanitised and protected.

What is the best way to keep a swimming pool clean?
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The best way to keep a swimming pool clean is to create a regular weekly pool maintenance schedule, which includes skimming leaves and debris, brushing the walls, vacuuming, cleaning the skimmer, running the pump, backwashing filters as needed, and testing and adding chemicals to the water.

Can chlorine fix a green pool?
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Yes, chlorine can fix a green pool. Adding large doses of calcium hypochlorite super shock and reducing the pH level with muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate can help to clear up all the algae, that causes green water.

How do you fix a green pool fast?
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For a quick fix, brush the pool walls and floor to remove any visible algae, then test the alkalinity and pH levels. Shock your pool with chlorine to kill the remaining algae, and run your pool filter for at least 8 hours.

Finally, continue testing water and adjust the pool chemicals as needed.

How much chlorine do you put in a green pool?
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To ensure a green pool remains sanitary and safe to swim in, it is important to maintain chlorine levels between 2.0 and 4.0 parts per million (ppm). This way, you can protect your pool from bacteria and algae growth.

Chlorine levels should be tested regularly, and if they are too low, chlorine should be added to the pool. The amount of chlorine needed will depend on the size of the pool and the amount of use it gets. It is also important to check the pH.

If the pool is dark green and the bottom is not visible, then:

  • adjust the pH of the water to 7.0-7.4
  • add 2kg of Purifier as per the product instructions
  • add 2.5L of pool algaecide 
  • keep your pool pump running for at lease 24 hours.

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