
The smarter, stress-free way to build your pool with expert guidance and accurate quotes.

Host a single site visit with a Poolz expert to create a plan that includes custom 3D site and design plans for builders.


We complete your Pool Project Pack and pre-project essentials so pool builders quote on accurate and identical specs.


We get the right pool builders to quote on your project and present those quotes back to you for consideration.


You select the best builder for your project and we facilitate a fair pool building contract so you can build with confidence.

A better way to build your dream pool

Have our independent expert to turn your vision into a detailed plan - then get quotes from suitable builders.

Our expert will guide you at every step

Work with our independent expert who will guide you through the entire process, creating plans and 3D custom designs, simplifying everything compared to dealing with multiple builders.
EasyBuild offers homeowners expert support for their pool building journey
Accurate site plans for pool projects result in more accurate quotes

We create your 3D designs and plans

Using our advanced SitePlan technology, we create precise site plans and designs for you, ensuring builders can provide accurate and competitive quotes based on identical specs, making them easy to compare.

We take care of the pre-project requirements

We handle essential tasks like engineering, soil tests, and certification before finalising your Pool Project Pack, preventing surprises and delays, and ensuring you’re ready to go before choosing a builder.
Get your plans pre-approved so you don't get any nasty surprises with your pool project
Our EasyBuild team will help manage the quoting and contracting process

We manage the quotes and contract

Your trusted advisor collects and compiles quotes from the best-suited builders, presents them to you, and helps facilitate a fair pool building contract, providing full support throughout.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch with our friendly team.
Is EasyBuild really free?
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Our service is 100% free. We get paid by the pool builders because we save them significant time and money. By performing the site visit ourselves and using advanced technology, we provide a service better than they can at a fraction of the cost. This partnership allows us to offer the service to you for free.

Why do I need a site visit from Poolz - I thought I’d have it with pool builders?
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You absolutely can get site visits from multiple builders. However, most homeowners don’t like dealing with 3-5 builders – that’s a lot of strangers in your house, calls, and emails. Instead, our independent expert visits your home, goes through all your options, and provides a Pool Project Pack with detailed site plans, designs, and materials. We aim to get you fixed-price quotes based on the quality of our plans, curating the best builders to quote on your pool.

I want to meet the pool builders to gauge reputation, etc.
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That’s fine, you can be matched with 3 builders and manage it yourself. Alternatively, with our EasyBuild service, we finalise the project details and you only meet the one or two builders most suitable based on price and delivering exactly what you want. This service helps you avoid meeting with multiple builders, reducing hassle and ensuring you find the best match efficiently.

How do I know you are independent and are not just promoting particular builders?
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You will receive 3-5 quotes from local builders, ensuring you make the decision, not us. We get paid the same by all builders as we work with over 500 of them to provide this service more efficiently than they can. Our goal is to get you the best pool at the best price without the risk and hassle.

Building your dream pool starts here!